About Us


Discover the Art of Live Edge Tables Crafted by Furniture Makers in Austin

moruxo Furniture

The MORUXO Story

MORUXO was founded by Hector who was driven by his quest for the perfect single slab live edge dining table to enjoy with his family. He soon realized that the options available in the market did not meet his expectations, and he decided to make his own. This led to the creation of the company, and today MORUXO offers the best custom live edge tables in Austin, Texas.

A family-owned business specializing in live edge furniture.
Unparalleled customer satisfaction with our live edge products.

The MORUXO Difference

At MORUXO, we believe that our customers deserve better than buying a table blindly and hoping it turns out as they envisioned. We offer a local selection of high-quality wood slabs, allowing you to choose the table of your dreams in person, without the need to order online from a craftsman you have never met. You can meet the craftsman and buy a product you can see. Plus, you can take your table home the same day, without waiting for weeks or months for it to be made.

The Moruxo Commitment

We take our responsibility to the environment seriously, and that’s why we are committed to sustainability. We use Guanacaste wood, which is known for its durability, and for each tree that is cut, new trees are planted. This ensures that the natural beauty of our world is preserved for generations to come.

Environmentally-friendly sourcing of Guanacaste wood.


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